Sunday, December 2, 2012

I Want to Broaden My Horizons

You ever have the feeling that you are missing out on what life has to offer? You ever find yourself doing the same things over and over for fun? How about listening to the same music? Or even taking the same route to school/work?

Spontaneity brings color to life. No one wants their lives to be black and white all the time. Boring!!! Now there is a line that you can cross... For example, don't ask me to jump out of a plane with nothing but a parachute.... I'm going to look at you like you are crazy. Everyone has their own line, and it varies from person to person.

If you haven't figured out by now, the inspiration of this blog is wanting to broaden my horizons. I want some new hobbies, movies, books, music...anything! What do you do for fun? What do you do to relax? How do you cope with stress? What do you like to do when you are by yourself? What do you like to do with friends and family? Do you listen to certain kinds of music when you are happy? Sad? Angry? Ask yourself these kinds of questions. It may sound silly at first, but I think it can be very beneficial. To enjoy what life has to offer, you have to know yourself. But if you are complacent with where you are as a person and what you do, by all means keep doing what you are doing. Don't let me corrupt you with all this extra thinking! Lol. But for me, I always think that I can better myself as a person in different aspects of my life.

Welp...there is my 2 cents. It's been real. Thanks for reading!


Monday, November 5, 2012

I Wonder Why...

...I never had one of these so called "growth spurts" everyone is talking about.

...I always tell myself I'm going to go to sleep early, and end up doing the complete opposite.

...everybody becomes a genius when it's time to vote. today even watch cartoons nowadays. Terrible... professors put material on their tests they didn't teach about/make tests harder than necessary.

Better yet, I wonder why college professors think their class is the only class you are taking.

...people compare anyone to Michael Jordan. Smh.

...yawning is so contagious.

...people so obsessed about Siri...she retarded. left eye is perfect and my right one is incompetent.

...I remember the dumbest things.

...women feel they have the right to paraphrase what I say (

...women think that men should WANT to go shopping with them....Noooooo *Kevin Hart voice* (

...some people think its ok to listen to "Call Me Maybe" while working out.

...gas prices so moody.

...Craig Sager wears those ridiculous suits.

...silent farts are the ones that do the most damage.

I wonder why the heck I'm wondering so much lol.

Share what YOU are wondering!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Basketball in Europe

I received two topic requests, both pertaining to basketball, from two different people. I was asked to talk about how basketball is here in Europe and to address the transition from college to professional basketball. I will address both questions in this single entry.

Basketball is a sport of many styles. Fast-paced, slow-paced, pick-and-roll, motion-oriented, inside/out, etc. I would not say there is one specific style that characterizes all of Europe. Different teams have different styles, depending on the coach and personnel on the team; however, the pick-and-roll offense does seem to be increasing in popularity on all levels of basketball. It is no different in Europe. It is a tough offense to guard, especially with players who have the ability to make good, smart decisions with the basketball in a short amount of time.

The transition from college ball in the ACC (Atlantic Coast Conference) to professional ball in Europe has been an interesting one. The atmosphere is a little different here in Europe because everything is smaller. Smaller gyms, smaller crowds, even smaller glasses at dine-in restaurants! But the attitude is the same. Europeans love their sports just like Americans! Fans support their teams and and have a strong desire to win.

As expected, I have learned plenty in the short amount of time as a professional basketball player. I expect to continue to learn as time goes by. In the sport of basketball, you are always learning!

Every time you advance to the next level of basketball, everything gets a little (or in some cases, a lot) better. Players are stronger, faster, taller, and more athletic. In my situation, I would not say that the pace of the game is overwhelmingly different. However, professional players tend to be smarter because they have been around the game for so long. They have tricks that they have acquired only attainable through experience. Everything they do has a purpose. Advantage!! It's all about creating an advantage. Of course, this is pretty much the case for any sport. But this terminology/phrase is often used here in Europe.

Hopefully, I fully addressed the two topic requests. At the end of the day, basketball is basketball. I believe that's how you have to approach it as a player. It's a simple game. A game of angles, inches, reads, and deception. It's all about having fun. If you focus on having fun, good things will happen!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Finally!!! Here it is. Everyone and their mothers, and grandmothers, have been asking me how it is in Holland. I will list 5 things that stand out to me since I have been here these last 2 months. I will include some mini stories and facts that you may find interesting as well throughout this entry.

1. Bikes, bikes, bikes!!!

It's a little overwhelming at first. EVERYONE has a bike! On top of that, bikers have the right of way in most scenarios. The first thing that I saw when I got to Holland was an elderly couple pedaling away on their bikes. If you have a bike, you better take care of it though. The number one crime in Holland is bike theft. There is a random fact for ya.

2. Stroopwafels

If you are an American reading this, you probably have no idea what a stroopwafel is. Basically, it is one of the best things I've ever tasted. I compare it to Krispy Kreme doughnuts in America. I would tell you whats in them, but the ingredients are in Dutch. Sorry. My Dutch teammates told me that every American who has tried the stroopwafel become obsessed. So the first time I tried it, I was determined not to like it to break this stereotype. I took a bite and my taste buds did a mean double take. I've been hooked ever since. Smh.

3. Everyone speaks English

Thank. The. Lord!!! Everyone that I have interacted with has been able to communicate with me to some degree. When I first got here, it took a legit 10-15 minutes just to order my food. I'm starting to pick up on the Dutch language a little bit though. I can count to 10 and I know that "kip" means chicken!!! Dutch 101! Had to learn that right away. Chicken is a necessity.

4. Manual cars

For the most part, there are only stick shift cars here. No automatics. Not even semi automatics (which is a good thing lol). I have also seen horse carriages a couple of times. I have added riding on a horse carriage to my bucket list before I leave.

Learning to drive a stick was definitely frustrating. I killed the car consistently time and time again. The worst part was when I was actually trying to drive on a street instead of practicing in a vacant parking lot. Here is a good story...

My worst enemies were traffic lights. This was the case because the most difficult part for me was getting to first gear. I would always try to hurry and get through the lights. Of course, as soon as I would get to the light, it turns red. Then, a long line of cars would build up behind me. The pressure escalated...I started to pray. The light turns green and then....DEAD!!! This is the only time I've seen Dutch people get a little upset haha. Guess its pretty understandable. Oh well... They honked or zoomed around me. All I could do is hide my face as I started back up the car- and proceeded to pray again.

5. Dutch people are tall!

Ok, I'm already not the tallest guy. Now, I've supposedly landed in the tallest country in the world. Just my luck...*Kanye shrug*

Well I hope that you have enjoyed my rundown of Holland. Overall, it's a beautiful, peaceful country with many sights to see. I am blessed to have an opportunity to start my professional basketball career here and have been thoroughly enjoying my time so far. Thank you for reading my post! I hope you continue to follow me as I continue on my long journey.

God Bless,


Monday, October 15, 2012

Yeah I'm a Nerd...So?!

Since this blog is all about my life beyond basketball, let's get the truth out there....yes, I'm a "nerd." "You ain't no nerd?!...I coulda swore you was one!" (*Unforgivable voice*). What many people fail to realize is that there is nothing wrong with it. There are many definitions out there for the term "nerd."  Mine is simple...different.  Just because I am different from the next person doesn't mean I'm better or worse for it. We are all beautiful and cool in our own way.  What's crazy is that a couple of years ago, I would not have shared anything like this about myself to the world.  Maybe you will find it interesting haha.

So, now lets talk about my qualifications that confirm my nerd status...

1. I still watch cartoons.  Yes, I am 22 years old and I still get excited when Tom and Jerry comes on haha. I don't know if I should be slightly worried about this, but whatever.  Tom's constant failures to beat Jerry are borderline sad and thoroughly entertaining to me.  Also, I will still watch my favorite cartoon show growing up...Dragonball Z.  Kamehameha!!! Classic.

2. I love video games.  But then again, what guy doesn't?!  I suppose there are some, but there is something about establishing your dominance as a man when having a controller in your hand against fellow gamers.  But this is where I take off on a tangent.  I don't play sport games.  And if you are reading this and don't know me very well, I'm sure that your reaction was like, "What?! What do you mean you don't play sport games?? O_o?!?!"  I deal with this reaction wayyy too often but it's true.  I don't take delight in playing every 2K or FIFA game that comes out on the market.  Just not me.  It probably doesn't help that I already play basketball all the time and I just want to do something different.  And it definitely doesn't help that I am terrible lol.  I play more action/adventure games such as: God of War series (best games ever), Resident Evil series, Final Fantasy series (genuine nerd status), Uncharted get the idea.  Now some competitive games that I do play (and have mastered) are Call of Duty and Super Smash Bros.  You don't want to see me in either.  Promise.

3. I read.  This is obviously an art that has been lost among our society with the advancement of technology amongst other things.  Reading can be a very fulfilling opportunity to learn about various things.  Learn new words, improve grammatical skills, and learn various writing styles.  The list goes on and on.  Read a fiction novel. You will find that you can improve your creativity skills as you imagine certain characters and places that are described in the written movie by simply using your mind.  Your brain is a powerful thing!

4. I have graduated from college, but I still study.  Now Im not talking about studying intense subjects such as chemistry or calculus; however, I have found a passion for music recently.  I have been playing the piano for almost a year in a half now.  Talk about constantly learning!!  There is so much music has to offer whether its breaking down music theory or just listening to different music.  I'm sure mostly everyone can relate to listening to music.  It's has the power to affect us in many ways.  A piece of advice that I want to offer is to be open! Extend beyond your favorite musical artists and give other genres a chance.  You will be glad you did.

Well, this blog is getting a little lengthy.  I probably could have kept going, but I think if you are still reading this, you get the point.  Also, if you are still reading this entry, there may be a little nerd in you too!  You are more than welcome to share your thoughts or your "nerd" qualifications if you want. We can be nerds together! Lol.

God Bless,


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cribs: Young Edition

In this video, you get a "Behind the Scenes" experience of the Youngs' crib. I will take you on a tour of my house and you will also get to meet my family.

I was back in my hometown recently spending some quality time with my family. Now if you know anything about Albany, GA, then you know there is NOTHING to do. So, you have to find ways to entertain yourself in a productive manner.

A couple of years ago, I would not have been able to make this video because I was shy and would have been caught up with what other people thought. Since I got to college, I have become more comfortable with who I am and not be so concerned about what other people are saying or thinking about me. Also, I have learned to laugh at myself (a skill that everyone should work on and obtain in my opinion) and enjoy life. In this video of Cribs, I definitely laughed at myself...multiple times. But my family and I had a GREAT time making it. Editing the video was not as great but you gotta do what you gotta do haha. Hope you enjoy!!

P.S. I apologize if you can't hear me in some parts of the video. I tried my best with the resources that I had. Enjoy.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Don't Twist My Words

So, I have been thinking...women have this innate talent where they have the ability to completely twist our words (men's words) to negatively affect any given situation. Because of this, it has changed the way I text, talk on the phone, write, or communicate in any way to a female. It's gotten to the point where I have to mentally think about everything that I say and what the outcome will be for each response that I have-- in a short amount of time! In other's annoying haha.

If you are acting like you don't know what I'm talking about, like this is some foreign language/concept to you (most women are probably feeling this way while men are nodding and applauding in agreement), then let me provide a couple of examples to see if I can clear things up a little bit.

Men, I think you would agree with me when I say there are a couple of picky topics when it comes to communicating with women. Some of the topics are their appearance (weight, attractiveness, hair, etc.) and their friends! Honestly, "their friends" can be changed to "any other women in general." Now there are probably more, but I don't want to write a blog as long as the bible. So just bear with me.

As a human race, we are very aware of appearances because we are a visual people. To put it simply, we love to look at/see....things lol. Now, women are very aware of their own appearances because us scavengers...oops, I mean guys, are constantly on the lookout for the most attractive women we ever laid our eyes upon. Therefore, women, you have to be on your game at all times...fair enough.

When it comes to appearances, women want our opinion...on EVERYTHING! "How do I look?" "Do I look fat in this dress?" "Do you like my hair straight or curly?" And most of the time, us guys are like "Uhh...fine." "No" and "I don't care, you look fine with both." And then the woman gets mad because it clearly wasn't a well thought out response like the ones you hear in the chick flick movies that they love so much. Hence, this response then gives us guys the anxiety to TRY to deliver a Emmy awarding quote that will take the woman's breath away. That's where everything goes south!

Woman: "Do I look fat in this dress?"
Man: *VERY slight hesitation simply because you were caught off guard* ""
Woman: *Rolls eyes* "Oh, so I do look fat?"
Man: *Confused* "Uh no, I just said no."
Woman: "So you saying I'm lying now?"
Man: ..........

Here is a texting example:

Woman: "Hey, what u up to"
Man: "Nuthin, just chillin at the crib with the fellas....bored lol"
Woman: "Oh, so I'm boring you now?"
Man: "Huh?"

See how fast that was? That's what happens when you don't think before you speak. Smh...

Now, you have to be extremely careful when talking about other women, especially to your woman. Sounds mean but no compliments for other woman...around your woman. When you are around the fellas, by all means...let loose. A tenth of a second glance longer than 1 second is too long at a feminine passerby. You in the doghouse. You can't pass "GO," you can't collect $200, you can't do anything. You on your own for dinner that night.

This turned out to be a little longer than I wanted, but oh well. Stay tuned for some more blogs in the future. So, there is my 2 cents on twisting my words. Women...can you please stop? Thanks.

Andre Young