Friday, October 19, 2012

Basketball in Europe

I received two topic requests, both pertaining to basketball, from two different people. I was asked to talk about how basketball is here in Europe and to address the transition from college to professional basketball. I will address both questions in this single entry.

Basketball is a sport of many styles. Fast-paced, slow-paced, pick-and-roll, motion-oriented, inside/out, etc. I would not say there is one specific style that characterizes all of Europe. Different teams have different styles, depending on the coach and personnel on the team; however, the pick-and-roll offense does seem to be increasing in popularity on all levels of basketball. It is no different in Europe. It is a tough offense to guard, especially with players who have the ability to make good, smart decisions with the basketball in a short amount of time.

The transition from college ball in the ACC (Atlantic Coast Conference) to professional ball in Europe has been an interesting one. The atmosphere is a little different here in Europe because everything is smaller. Smaller gyms, smaller crowds, even smaller glasses at dine-in restaurants! But the attitude is the same. Europeans love their sports just like Americans! Fans support their teams and and have a strong desire to win.

As expected, I have learned plenty in the short amount of time as a professional basketball player. I expect to continue to learn as time goes by. In the sport of basketball, you are always learning!

Every time you advance to the next level of basketball, everything gets a little (or in some cases, a lot) better. Players are stronger, faster, taller, and more athletic. In my situation, I would not say that the pace of the game is overwhelmingly different. However, professional players tend to be smarter because they have been around the game for so long. They have tricks that they have acquired only attainable through experience. Everything they do has a purpose. Advantage!! It's all about creating an advantage. Of course, this is pretty much the case for any sport. But this terminology/phrase is often used here in Europe.

Hopefully, I fully addressed the two topic requests. At the end of the day, basketball is basketball. I believe that's how you have to approach it as a player. It's a simple game. A game of angles, inches, reads, and deception. It's all about having fun. If you focus on having fun, good things will happen!

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